Freight Rate Negotiate rocks! It is that simple.
The team at Freight Rate Negotiate consists of transportation experts who have negotiated thousand of carrier agreements from both sides of the bargaining table. We have a working knowledge of over 4,000 companies, which means that we have seen virtually everything this industry has to offer. As a result, we have an extremely in-depth understanding of what is available to your business in terms of minimums, incentives, assessorial fees, and service. Our “knowledge network” ultimately gives us the capacity to secure the best possible transportation agreements for your firm.
At Freight Rate Negotiate, we perform audits and negotiations for our clients’ various modes of transportation all day, every day. We receive and analyze more transportation agreements in a month than most individuals will see in a lifetime. In addition, we realize that today’s logistics management professionals have more responsibilities on their “job plate” than any generation before them. Let us help you take a major task off your to-do list by utilizing our expertise to create a win-win for your company’s transportation program.

Freight Rate Negotiate has helped thousands of companies worldwide negotiate the best rates and terms with various carriers. Even if you feel you already have a great contract in place, or you have recently re-negotiated your agreement, we can help. We offer a completely free transportation cost savings analysis without any obligation whatsoever. We will tell you exactly how much money we can save you, and you can decide whether or not our program makes sense for your firm. Again, there is absolutely no obligation, so there is sincerely nothing to lose. Furthermore, you can remain with your current carrier.
Perhaps the greatest feature of our program is that we only get paid if you decide to work with us. Our fee is a percentage of the verifiable, undeniable, hard-dollar savings that we produce for you as a result of our transportation negotiations. There are no (zero, none) out of pocket costs.
With over 100 years of combined logistics experience, the brain trust at Freight Rate Negotiate has the tools, resources, and expertise necessary to help your company obtain the most competitive transportation rates and service. Additionally, our comprehensive audit service stretches/ranges well beyond the low hanging fruit of late deliveries to locate and recover over 40 different invoice errors. Whether you are looking for an edge over your competition or new-found savings that directly bolster your bottom line, Freight Rate Negotiate’s transportation consulting service delivers!